Tuesday, April 15, 2008

How do you know your handbag is too heavy?

When you pop it on the passenger seat and the fasten seatbelt light comes on.
I must stop carrying around every last thing I could possibly need to entertain myself: i-pod, crosswords, knitting (of course), book, coupons, wallet, camera, blackberry, assorted make-up, two different hand sanitizers (I am a microbiologist, after all), cell phone, newspaper - and that's just my purse. I also have an overflow bag, ostensibly my 'briefcase' but I don't think it would know a brief if one came up and shook it by the hand. Still - I've been ignoring my weight-training of late so you take it where you can get it...

I was single-mommin it most of last week so blogging was out of the question. One 3.5 year old (human) and 2 middle aged (dogs) require quite a lot of fetching, carrying and toileting. I'm almost to the heel of my second Opal Tucan sock(knitting on train only), hopefully will be ready for the hike that's been postponed a week.

Got a great download from Knitting Daily this week. Although - I may be relegated to knitting socks and scarves forever after what's been transpiring with the purple cardi...ahhhhh, more details when I can face it... ;)

And - in case you weren't one of the hundred or so people I e-mailed these pictures to - Happy Spring!

Pictures taken in SC, by Jodie Lee


Lyn said...

What cute photos!

About your handbag - you never know when you might get stuck somewhere - or need to make a quick getaway! I still have my TSA-approved quart-size ziploc with my liquids (including toothbrush & paste) with me at all times.

YoMamma said...

Happy Spring! :-)

twiceknit said...


Cracks me up!

Read any good books lately?

Time of day in my part of the world

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