Saturday, April 5, 2008


So, I was very excited about my new socks...but after wearing them all day yesterday I couldn't wait to get them off. Too too warm. And itchy. I'm not allergic - it's just not cold enough for handknit socks in springtime Washington DC. But, constant readers will recall that I've fairly been stashing the sock like I said

I think I remember seeing a pattern for a mitre-square blanket, made with sock yarn leftovers, this might be the way to go :(


Lyn said...

Maybe use it for hats & gloves?

YoMamma said...

I was just saying to my family last night that I might use the summer to knit a bunch of socks for the winter. Sure I we won't wear them right away but they don't take up lap space in the heat of the summer. Maybe think long term?

Unknown said...

As the recipient of the gorgeous turquoise flutter-by socks, I can say that Needle-dee's socks are even more fantastic in person than they are in the pictures!!! And up here in Canada, where there's still loads of snow, warm wooly socks are a MUST right through until May, at least. no sweaty feet here....

twiceknit said...

Sometimes my wool socks drive me up the wall. Not always, they just really seem itchy only sometimes. It's like I start thinking about it and then it really bothers me and I can't wait to get them off. Somehow, that doesn't stop me from making them.

Cracks me up!

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