Thursday, August 21, 2008

Darn Ravelry

So yesterday, while on a conference call at work, I decided to skim through Ravelry to pick a scarf pattern for the upcoming red scarf drive. Still thinking. Then, ignoring the notion of the large stash in an ever-expanding corner of my closet, I clicked on several of the yarn stores advertised to find a red yarn bargain. Ah Ravelry, what did I ever do without you...

Not 2 minutes later a big ugly message pops up - Warning - Virus Detected

And that was that. All access to The Internets, gone. E-mail, gone. Went to talk to the IT guy, and 5 minutes later: computer, gone... :(

So see? Ravelry can in fact be bad for the health...knew it ;)


YoMamma said...

Oh no! That doesn't sound good. :-(

Pheelya said...

OMG! That's terrible! I hope you send Ravelry the IT repair bill :)

Sue said...

OK, I'll pretend I didn't read this one! LOL!

Cracks me up!

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