Sunday, February 17, 2008

more purple cardi

Here's the Dollar and a half cardi - I am about 2/3 the way up the back, in the middle of the 3rd of 14 skeins...I think I still like it. Just hope the reverse st st doesn't bulge out, as it does in this, admittedly unblocked, piece. I am just so impatient though. I can't work on just one piece at a time. Here's a crochet scarf I'm making, with silk yarn sent by my lovely friend Flibbertygibbet. It's so soft and lovely, will be perfect for springtime. Whenever that arrives. Speaking of: It's not quite daffodil weather but Trader Joe's had these, all the way from England. (What's the carbon footprint there? Hmm...)And just to make you all jealous: my cute boy -


YoMamma said...

:-) Looks like he's enjoying that tennis ball!

twiceknit said...

the cardi looks great. Bringing it on wednesday? Such cheery flowers! I love daffodils.

Anonymous said...

Wow that yarn is brighter than I thought - hope it's as much 'your' colours as I thought it would be! x

Cracks me up!

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