Monday, February 11, 2008

A Vicennial Event

Yes it's a word - refers to something that recurs every twenty years. Like me casting on for a sweater! Actually, a cardigan, The Dollar-and-a-half cardigan from Interweave Knits, Spring 2007, to be precise. I saw one of the Columbia Sip and Knitters wear hers (I really must introduce myself) and it looked so good I decided I'd go for it. Have vacillated back and forth between this and many, many other patterns since, but I like this. Plus - I already bought the yarn for it. Dale of Norway Svale: a cotton/viscose/silk blend in brightest purple. Fourteen balls of this have been looking accusingly at me since November, and so yesterday I cast on for something larger than a scarf for the first time in years (crocheted items do not count: crocheting is much faster).
You'd think I'd have a picture to show you. You'll just have to trust me that I did make a gauge swatch that came out quite close, and I've done the back rib plus six rows. And yes, I am very proud of myself.


twiceknit said...

Can't wait to see the cardigan in progress! We should all have a cardigan KAL.

I hate it when the yarn stares accusingly at me. It's handy that I now have a closet to put it all in so I can shut it away and pretend I don't that it's plotting my demise.

YoMamma said...

That's going to be wonderful. I look forward to seeing it!

Lyn said...

Lovely choice! I've got a WIP with that yarn - it's quite nice to work with.

Cracks me up!

Read any good books lately?

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